
Wedding : I bought my dress!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

So I have bought the dress of my dreams. Or really the dress of my unexpected dreams.... It is not at ALL what I expected to wear. I could've sworn I was going to pick a form fitting dress with lots of Va Va VOOM! Instead, I picked a beautiful "Cinderella" type of dress :) 

If you want to see pics, I have them posted here :http://boards.weddingbee.com/topic/i-found-my-dress-and-it-was-soo-not-what-i-expected

My Fiance said if he saw the dress he wouldn't marry me ( He's half joking... I think lol) He's really superstitious about it. So I figured since my blog is easier to find then a post on a wedding website, I'm not going to post pics of it on here. If he sees them now, that's totally his fault :D

Let me know what you think!!!!! I'm so happy with it. It's just so sparkly. and I will be making the bottom part a bit more fuller to emphasize the tulle, by wearing a super poufy slip :) 



 To say this is long overdo is an understatement. And for that, my dear readers, I am truly sorry
  However It's finally here!!!!!!
       Excuse the crazy eyes. It's in all of the pics for some crazy reason :)
Jeans: Torrid

I love this outfit more than words can successfully say. If I didn't think eventually it would start to smell, I would never take it off. Yep it's that perfect. At first I was worried my beloved cupcake dress custom ordered for me, would never work. It was my fault, I had totally forgotten to check my measurements and as you can see it is much too short to be used as a dress. But when my order from Torrid came in ( Hot pink jeans on clearance :) ) came in, I felt hope once again. And luckily the pinks are very close in color. This outfit just screams JENNY PICKED ME OUT! It's bright and unusual and in your face but still pretty and sweet and perfect. *Sigh*As for shoes? Well I'll find a pair that match eventually. We stayed in for V-day so I didn't have to worry about them lol
Cupcake pocket!!!!!!!!!!!
Closeup of the print. 

On a side note: I really need a better indoor place to take pictures at. The lighting in my room is awful and while I have a beautiful background outside, I get home after sunset and leave for work before sunrise most days of the week, making an indoor photo spot a necessity. 

So what do you think of the outfit??


OOTD: I'm sexy and I know it

        Ok. I know. I've been slacking. Or specifically Mr. Fiance has. On Valentine's day both of us forgot(!!) to take pics of my outfit. And we've both had a busy stressful week. So he hasn't really been in the mood to take pictures. Also, his lack of knowledge about this blog does not help. Oh weelll. I will have that outfit post before Monday. I Pinkie Swear :)

This outfit I wore while shopping. The looks I got were 1/4 approving ( Thank you to the sweet older black ladies who smiled at me and commented that that was how you dress to impress) 1/2 disapproving (Mostly middle-aged women who I would like to believe were just jealous of my youth :D) and 1/4 creepy ( Some dude whistled at me while I was walking into a gas station!!  Not cool.) I felt confident in it though, so despite the mixed reviews I'll probably wear it again.

Face is hidden, but I still love this pic because somehow this mirror makes me look thinner! 
Or it's probably the outfit lol.

Camera phone pics are reallly hard to take!!!

Finally you can see my face!!!! I do wear glasses, if I have to drive anywhere
I should always wear them.... But I don't 
Jacket: Target
Headband: Claires
Glasses: Lenscrafters :p

Shoes: Ebay

Corset: Torrid via Fatshionxchange
Skirt: Lane Bryant

I was inspired by this post by the lovely Sarah from Big Hips Red Lips, who most likely has no idea I even exist but who's blog I absolutely adore. I have loved the idea of using a corsetish or longline bra as a top since the first time I saw this post but wasn't able to find anything that would work well outside of the bedroom, and that was my style. So when I found the perfect under/over-garment on Fatshionxchange I about died, I wanted it soo so bad. I believe every girl, plus sized or skinny, tall or short, is sexy and should know it :) So embrace it!



 I hope everyone had a fantastic Singles Awareness/ Valentine's Day. I promise I will have a long detailed post all about mine tomorrow :) Or Thursday. Haha Anyways enjoy the chocolate!


OOTD: Double the fun :)

 SOOOOOOOO MY LAPTOP'S FIXED!!!!!!!! I'm so happy :) And to play a little catch up:

                                                       A special double dipping of OOTD!!!!!

These two outfits were not worn today, however they were worn this week, so I figured I'd show them off anyways... First up!

Let me just say not everyone will like this outfit. I love it though. There's something about this outfit that makes me feel amazingly cool, like the newest cool kid in school lol. The lighting in these pictures aren't very good because my photographer (Mr. Fiance) was feeling lazy. This shirt is lovely :) The print is different, and a little antiquey but it doesn't have an old lady feel to it.
Hat : Gifted 
Headband: Build a Bear. Haha No joke! :)

Crazy eyes!!

My full outfit
Shirt: Forever 21+ via Fatshionxchange ( I do most of my shopping on that site :) )
Skirt:  Ambiance via FatshionExchange
Tights: Claire's 

                                                             Close up of the patterns

                                                           And the second outfit!!!!!!!!!

                    This outfit is the exact opposite of the last outfit. The last outfit was edgy, this is more classic. My last outfit is not always a crowd pleaser, this one definitely is. I love custom made, but not always the price of it. When I saw this, however, I had to have it.

                        Close up of the pattern                Shoes: Selena Gomez Kmart brand                  

                                                               Headband: Icing  

The best part??? This heart cutout!!!!!!!!!!
This dress is beautiful. 

Sorry for the wrinkles!! This was taken after I got off work and since I work ten hour work days, with all ten hours spent at a desk, my clothes often are wrinkled by the end of the day. This dress is work - appropriate, stylish, and fits like a charm. 

Which of these two outfits do you like best???


Tattoos and Weddings

     Since this blog isn't very old at all, you may not know that I have two tattoos.          

This lovely cross with wings that goes around my right ankle
(It's a little swollen since this pic was taken right after I got it done) 


This beautiful shoulder tattoo on my left shoulder.

Now all of my tattoos were thought out wellll in advance (in fact my ankle tattoo had been planned for FOUR years before I finally got it.) They are both done by professionals with years of experience under their belts and who obviously knew what they were doing. I am very proud of my tattoos and I believe they are beautiful :). For the most part, I don't hear much about them from other people and in fact most people don't notice them at all! With the exception of one thing.

Apparently during my wedding I am supposed to hide my tattoos (particularly my shoulder tattoo which would be most likely the most noticeable), and cast them away with wedding dresses with sleeves, or tattoo cover-up. This thought bewilders me. My tattoos are a part of me; why would I want them covered on one of the most important days of my life?!? I often am asked what am I going to do if I decide to wear a strapless wedding gown. Umm I'll wear it?? I have no shame with showing off my tattoos; they are in no way offensive; and they represent part of my personality and who I am.   

What do you think?
 Is there any sense  in covering up your tattoos for your wedding/ a special event ?
(With the exception of job interviews. That I do understand)
 Let me know what you think!

Hint of Things to Come. The Cupcake Dress

Okay, so last night I received an awesome surprise; a dress that I have been anticipating for many weeks had finally arrived! Now I plan to do a full OOTD on Valentine's day with it. But just a sneak peak for now.......

Just a little hint: This dress was too short to actually be used as a dress. So it will either be a shirt or a tunic dress with tights. I haven't decided. So tell me, what's the craziest/most unusual article of clothing you've ever bought? This definitely makes my top 10. In fact, when I pulled it out of the shipping bag it came in and showed my fiance he just gave me a look. But he knows me and obviously saw how overjoyed I was, so the sweet guy didn't make fun of my obviously unique sense of style lol.


Please forgive me!!!

My laptop is in the shop so I may be a horrible blogger this week... I will try my hardest not to let this overcome my ability to blog. Tommorow's mission??? "Borrow" my fiance's computer. Without him ever finding out. Bahaha I can't wait!!! : p